How to avoid Data Integrity problems in Pharmaceutical Quality Control Laboratory?

TOP TIPS to avoid data integrity problems

How to avoid Data Integrity problems in Pharmaceutical Quality Control Laboratory?

The scope should cover items such as

  1. How is access authorized and controlled? Are there different levels of accessibility such as user, analyst, administrator, service-engineer with different level of rights allotted?
  2. Have you justified access levels and the user privileges at each level? A good examples could be : User/Analyst < Manager < service engineer….
  3. Are there specific user profiles to access software and provide audit trails for traceability? Such as User, Manager, Service engineer should have different profiles…
  4. All Profiles such as User/Manager/Service engineer: Is there restricted privileges (can’t delete/ write-over / move)?
  5. Is the administration independent of the analytical function? Administration profile should not have analyst functionality.
  6. How an organization ensures that the passwords are not shared? How Quality assurance controls and monitors the administration of passwords.
  7. Are passwords changed periodically (that is every 15days, monthly, three months etc… and are they of high strength?
  8. Is the Audit Trail functionality switched on? Even admin, user, manager, service engineer should not able to break it.
  9. Is the Date/ time functionality locked by IT? Even admin, user, manager, service engineer should not able to break it.
  10. Has the system been validated for its intended use? That is IQ/OQ/PQ performed and periodical IQ/QQ/PQ if there is change in position and functionality of Instrument.
  11. Are all data processing methods validated and locked by the administrator? Administrator should review it periodically.
  12. Is it necessary to ‘save’ before it is submitted for review? Ensure it to be implemented
  13. Are accurate audit trail entries put in when prompted? All software should have this functionality; further ensure it to be implemented. (updated on 14/11/2020)
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