Mandatory information to be present in worksheets used in calibration of the Regulatory Laboratory.

Mandatory information to be present in worksheets used in calibration of the Regulatory Laboratory.

Mandatory information to be present in worksheets used in calibration of the Regulatory Laboratory.

It is mandatory that every successful regulatory compliant laboratory will have in-built efficient calibration management system which effectively monitors the calibration status of the every equipment under the laboratory.

Every work sheet used in calibration should provide essential details which include:

  1. A clear calibration methodology of the equipment.
  2. If in calibration any Standards were used then Traceability and validity statement is enclosed.
  3. Equipment information such as type, model, purchase date, manufacturer.
  4. The person who calibrated the instrument.
  5. Laboratory should have details of present and previous calibration data for every instrument under usage
  6. Every calibration should have Date of calibration and calibration due date.
  7. Unique ID number to identify each instrument or device.
  8. SOP and Format number used in the worksheet and Annexures.

Supporting Data to be maintained in Regulatory Laboratory:

  1. Records and reports of the maintenance and calibration of equipment.
  2. Equipments Qualification which includes IQ/OQ and PQ.
  3. Summary of qualifications, training, experience of personnel and equipment used.
  4. Standard Operating Procedures for operating and calibration of equipments. (updated on 28.09.2020)


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