Even though you could be in charge of buying lab equipment, you’ll probably need to consult with a few coworkers before making a final decision. Typically, three to four persons are involved in the purchasing of lab supplies and equipment. Remember that each stakeholder has a different objective, therefore you’ll need to tailor your communication strategy to impact them. Aligning your reasoning with each person’s obligations and interests is one approach to do this.
The lab professionals who use the tests and equipment, you purchase might also have an impact on your choices. Asking them for their wish list of product features is a fantastic idea.
Not the overall cost, but whether or not the product specs meet the criteria weighed heavily in lab purchase decisions. Therefore, make sure the instrument you’ve picked is entirely capable of executing the task and that it easily integrates into your lab’s operational processes before you approach your colleagues about purchasing.
Aside from price, buyers also mentioned that favourable reviews, customer service, usability, brand recognition, and whether the product had been used in similar applications were important considerations.
To maintain efficient operations, lab managers must outfit their facilities with the proper equipment and tests, but it can be challenging to win over everyone’s support for new acquisitions, particularly when procurement funds are constrained.
Here are some tips on how to convince internal stakeholders that the equipment you want for your lab is the best one available.
Consider the product value while trying to convince someone to approve of a purchase rather than the price. Describe how investing in high-quality equipment can ultimately help a lab stay within its spending limits. Options that are a little more expensive have often been created by an experienced manufacturer who will provide support for the duration of the product.
Creating a compelling argument
You must list the advantages a proposed product delivers in order to demonstrate its value to your coworkers and superiors.
Highlight the range of features the system offers to demonstrate its versatility.
Track record of the vendor: How long has the vendor been in business? Make careful to bring up their standing in the field.
Supporting quality: Describe the vendor’s level of support for troubleshooting.
Client satisfaction Share the analytics with your team if the vendor keeps track of client satisfaction indicators.
Performance: Highlight the specific product attributes that will benefit your lab.
By highlighting these aspects, you can persuade your internal stakeholders that even though the initial purchase may be pricey, the total cost over the product’s lifetime will be less. It is worthwhile to invest in the best tools and supplies for your lab. To gain the required signatures, it will take some investigation and compelling communication, but in the end, the correct product can assist increase your lab’s production.