7-Vital Information’s we get from the Content of Calibration Certificate.

Contents in calibration certificate

7-Vital Information’s we get from the Content Calibration Certificate.

A calibration consists of pivotal details about the instrument’s physical condition. This certificate is required by the customers of the products to ensure the organization is following regulatory norms and the instrument being using within the prescribed calibration conditions.

Very much every calibration certificate has a unique and sequential serial numbers which correlates and traces a particular calibration with one specific instrument. Majority of Certificate  would cite the basis of the calibration Methodology. However, the format of the calibration certificate may a to large extend differ from one organization to another; the format of the calibration certificate is defined in the organization SOPs.

Some of the vital data we get from a calibration certificate might include the following:

  1. The time and Dates of the Calibration and external and environmental conditions during the time of calibration.
  2. If in calibration any Standards were used then Traceability and validity statement is enclosed.
  3. Conditions of the Instrument before and after the Calibration (by Service Engineer)
  4. Specify Tolerance and Acceptable Limits (based on IQ/OQ PQ data available).
  5. Latest Calibration methodology utilized if necessary include version level also.
  6. Calibration time limit and source of its scientific rationale.
  7. Accountability and Responsibility information for inquiries about this Certificate. (Updated on 27.09.2020)

Author: blog@qualitytribe.net

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